Team Ganamos (Jonathan and I) after winning the 3-legged race. I´m showing off my trophy (aka a pen), because I didn´t really win too many of them when I was younger.
Un gallo. They greet me every morning when I walk to our meetings. And by ¨greet,¨ I mean completely ignore me as I tell them that they´re my friends in Spanish. Me encanta gallos.
We took a guided hike up into the mountains with a local legend named Nano. I´ll be adding more about him later, but basically he lives the life that we all wish we could: he lives in the mountains in what amounts to a two-story fort that you would have killed to have when you were ten years old. He grows coffee and gives tours of his mountain farm for about $1.70 per person. Here, he´s bathing in his waterfall for our amusement. (He also speaks the clearest Spanish I´ve come across yet. He spoke for about 4 hours straight and I didn´t miss a thing.)
The ¨inside¨ of Nano´s house, which really isn´t inside at all due to the lack of real walls or ceilings.
Nano swings from his vine swing. Other people got a photo of me doing it/hanging on for dear life.